Dreams Do Come True

Dreams do come true, studying at SAIT, final exam, #sugarbabysyyc, #getinmybelly, Johnny Lawson change in career

Following Passion

Where it all begins

The journey to work on a bakery started when I was laid off from work and I wanted to change careers. I tossed up a couple of thoughts with my husband and it was a choice between horticulture or baking. Well guess what baking was for the win and the start of being a Pastry Chef has begun.

Who knew that starting back at school would be so rewarding and yet so much work just to get in the door. When I applied at SAIT, I was placed on a waiting list for the BPA (Baking and Pastry Arts) program. To get my foot in the door it was recommended that I take a course that would teach me how to start a business in the culinary arts. This program was a one year course that took you from one end of a business plan to the other with a final exam that was like the Dragons Den. We had an opportunity to have our business concept funded by local business persons and ATB. This is where Sugar Babys Concept was born. Other aspects that inspired the concept is having baked goods from my mother in law, who makes some of the best treat sized baked goods.

Being diagnosed as an adult with Diabetes was a bit of a life changer; I loved sweets, baked goods, and tarts.

Going to a bakery, I was always shocked with the size of the displayed items, and buying one item is too much for my and just wanted a taste.

Part of the Sugar Baby’s concept, is to offer treat sized baked goods from cookies, muffins, pastry and cakes. With most of our products I offer 3 different sizes with a play on some familiar terms.

Going on the second semester, we had to cut the program short due to the ever spreading COVID 19.

During that time I was able to network with local business, and producers to see how they kept moving when all local traffic was suspended. Also I was working hard to practice some skills learned from my grandma and mom in making various cookies, pies and pastries. In my younger years, I had the opportunities to work for some commercial bakeries, I thought that I would try my hand at making homemade bread. Let me tell ya that was the smallest, flattest and dense bread ever made. You could have used the bread as a door stop!

Now that the waiting period had ended and we could go back to SAIT, adding another 6 month delay I was so pumped to learn what I could and strive to do the best that I could. WOW was that an experience!! Learning Yeast Fundamentals, cake decorating, cookie class, muffins, how to make pastry, the history of various baked goods, recipe modification, plating and chocolate work the list goes on.

During my second year at SAIT is where my mental and physical health took a down turn. My diabetes was under control but I have developed Neuropathy in my hands and feet. For those that don’t know what Neuropathy is; this is where there is nerve damage done to either the hands or feet of a person with diabetes. Now batting one in a million I have it both in my feet and hands. Let me tell you it feels like a hot serge of electricity surging in to the fingers and toes, not to mention how it feels like my fingers are broken when grabbing something or walking on a ball.

Also during this time I was also diagnosed with optical migraines that actually at times made me loose my vision completely. This is when I had to take a leave from school. Yeah, sad face. Now a few months down the road, it seems that my life had turned in to quadding on a mountain with no breaks. I suffered two strokes within 3 months of each other that put me way back in life. Learning to walk, and trusting my body that I don’t feel, muscle memory really is a thing. Also having a mental condition called Functional Neurological Disorder. Well that is my brain is has misfired itself while healing and causes switching of head, arms even effects temperature with me.

It was a life changer! My life stopped, I couldn’t see the forest thru the trees. I did end up being in the hospital for 3.5 months in total to address the mental conditions that I had. I have to say it may not have been a great place to be in but I am grateful for the help from the hospitals that I had staying in to help me recover. I believe strongly that mental heath still doesn’t take the consideration that is needed, this is why I am donating money from every sale to help Calgary Mental Health in various hospitals. This can be either a cash donation, baking classes or much needed art and activities for the rehabilitation teams. Believe it or not but most of their materials come from pop bottle recycling.

Now, I am unable to commit to jobs in my field due to health reasons, but I still want to contribute the best way that I can. Making people smile two bites at a time.

Thank you for reading my story, and understanding how my business concept is taking a dream and a hobby to help others smile one way or another.

Lets make this happen with Lil Treats and Great Eats!!