Let’s Dream Together!

The bakery concept started with having baked goods from my mother in law, who makes some of the best treat sized baked goods.

Being diagnosed as an adult with Diabetes was a bit of a life changer; I loved sweets, baked goods, and tarts.

So I started being a hobby baker!!

Going to a bakery, I was always shocked with the size of the displayed items, and buying one item is too much for my and just wanted a taste.

Part of the Sugar Baby’s concept, is to offer treat sized baked goods from cookies, muffins, pastry and cakes. With most of our products I offer 3 different sizes with a play on some familiar terms.

Small (2 or more bites) are Sugar Baby’s

Medium (4 or more bites) are Sugar Mama’s

Large ( 6 or more bites) are Sugar Daddy’s

Also part of this dream is to offer NSA ( No Sugar Added) baked goods that are “gut” friendly. This is a growing adventure, trying different types of products that are not chemical but biological!

Enjoy looking at the site and seeing where this dream has lead so far. To know more about this dream click below

Local, Calgary, ingredients, #sugarbabysyyc, Johnny Lawson, Yummy, #getinmybelly

Our ingredients

It is important that the ingredients used are from local small business’s or producers that are within the Greater Calgary Area.

Always looking to grow and support local producers, growers and makers! If you know any local producers, small business or hobbyist please feel free to contact us!

Did you know —

A portion of every sale we put aside for donation to Calgary Mental Health programs